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Resource Group | SPOTLIGHT on Crystal Lake Farms + The ‘Free Ranger’ Bird!
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SPOTLIGHT on Crystal Lake Farms + The ‘Free Ranger’ Bird!

14 Apr SPOTLIGHT on Crystal Lake Farms + The ‘Free Ranger’ Bird!

SPOTLIGHT on Crystal Lake Farms + The ‘Free Ranger’ Bird! More info is spreading regarding chicken health, slow growth, humanely raised & a variety of other variables, and our partners at Crystal Lake Farms have been on the forefront of this movement with their Better Bird program. We at Resource Group and our partners at FreshPoint are extremely proud to represent them!


Crystal Lake Farms has diligently worked over the last five years, going “back to the basics” to develop a breed of chicken that is not focused on rapid growth/high yield, but is still superior to heritage crosses. The Crystal Lake ‘Free Ranger’ is a slower growing chicken that thrives both inside & outside. It’s also a hearty bird that wants to forage outside in the elements and be itself, naturally. Because the ‘Free Ranger’ is not focused on extreme performance and has a direct lineage to certain heritage breeds, it’s generally healthier & has a better tolerance for the changing environment. More on slower growing chickens can be found in the headlines of NPR, CBS News and Food Babe, as well as many other news outlets. Click here to read the full article from NPR.


photo: Crystal Lake Farms